Meet three Mummy Bloggers - each of them followed, idolised, imitated, taunted and trolled online.
Elle Campbell is a glossy, lycra-clad mum with washboard abs, a ten-year plan and a secret past. Abi Black has quit sugar, moved to the country and is homeschooling her kids. Leisel Adams slogs away at her office job each day before rushing home, steeped in guilt, to spend precious moments with her kids before bedtime. All three share a label that they simultaneously relish and loathe mummy blogger. And the connections don't stop there...
When all three women are nominated for a prestigious blogging award with a hefty cash prize, the scene is set for a brutal and often hilarious battle for hearts, minds, and clicks. As the awards night gets closer, their lies get bigger, their stunts get crazier - and some mistakes from the past become harder and harder to hide.
What did I think?
Although I'm childless, I am a blogger so I was intrigued by a book about blogging. I have to say that it does feel a bit weird to be blogging about a book about blogging! I really must express my thanks to Holly Wainwright for writing this book as finally readers can see how much work goes into blogging, which is ultimately a hobby. Thankfully, I'm not obsessed with blogging like the three characters in The Mummy Bloggers though!
I love the differences in the characters that Holly Wainwright has created and the surprising links between them. Elle is 'The Stylish Mumma' and I took an instant dislike to her; this is a woman who sees something, wants it and gets it, whether it's someone else's husband or an advertising contract for her blog. It annoyed me that it's clearly all smoke and mirrors with Elle but people follow her and try to emulate her, thinking that her life is perfect because that is the illusion she portrays. Abi is 'The Green Diva' and her strong opinions make her a bit of a target online. Abi tries to be true to her online image but she doesn't always practise what she preaches. Liesel is 'The Working Mum' and the only honest one among them, probably because she works full time and doesn't have time to create a fake persona.
When all three blogs are nominated for the Blog-ahhs, the gloves come off and it's blogger against blogger as they fight for the prize. Some of the tactics used had me in absolute fits of laughter but I also found the falsity rather thought-provoking. It really highlighted the fact that anyone can be anything online - what is actually hiding behind those glossy pouts or the mouthwatering non-wheat, non-dairy cupcakes? Remember that life is 3D; don't believe everything you see on a 2D photograph!
I also thought the trolling aspect was very well done. Abi naturally attracts a lot of trolls with her strong beliefs but it was Liesel that I really felt for. Liesel is just trying to share her thoughts and feelings with others as some kind of validation that she is a good mother, despite the demands of her job. There's always someone out there who will take exception to something that is posted online, but to make that conscious decision to incite negativity and shoot someone down in flames always shocks me. We can't all have the same opinions and healthy debate is fine but it saddens me that it does seem to spiral into hatred quite quickly on social media these days.
It surprised me how much I enjoyed The Mummy Bloggers; it's good lighthearted fun with some thought provoking points. You often see in reviews that this book is perfect for fans of so and so, but I'm going one step further in saying that this book is perfect for anyone who has a social media account; that should cover pretty much everyone, right?
I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.
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