Saturday, 7 February 2015

The Target (Will Robie 3) - David Baldacci

David Baldacci is becoming one of my favourite thriller authors.  I loved King & Maxwell so when my Aunty Maureen loaned me The Target I couldn't wait to start it.

Although third in the Will Robie series, it was my first Will Robie book.  I do think reading the first two books beforehand would have been beneficial to explain some of the history behind Will Robie and Jessica Reel, but I really enjoyed it as a stand-a-lone novel nonetheless.

The book tells the story of the US agents training for a hit on the North Korean leader which quite quickly goes wrong after the North Korean ally is discovered.  This causes the North Koreans to retaliate and send out their own assassin and the book ends with a showdown between the two.

A definite page turner building up to an assassination attempt on US soil, with a nice twist showing that even bad guys or gals are human after all.

A big 5 stars from me and I'll be looking out for books 1 and 2 in the series.

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Addition - Toni Jordan

I've had this book staring at me on my e-bookcase for a while so it tempted me one day and I started to read.

Grace has an obsessive compulsive disorder that compels her to count everything.  She meets Seamus in a local supermarket when she takes a banana out of his basket after she arrived at the till with the incorrect number of bananas.

Grace begins a relationship with Seamus and agrees to go to therapy when her counting gets in the way of life.  The interesting part for me, was the effect the therapy had on Grace.  Yes, she no longer had the compulsion to count everything but she wasn't Grace anymore.  The counting made Grace who she was, warts and all.

It gave a good insight into mental health issues and I found it quite a serious topic, despite it being labelled as a comedy.

It's not a book I would recommend but it taught me to accept people for who they are.  Who says having a compulsion to count is odd?  Maybe we're all a little odd (or even)!

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Angels Flight (Harry Bosch 6) - Michael Connelly

I'm reading the Harry Bosch books in order, so next in line was number 6 - Angels Flight.

An attorney who is building a case against the police is found murdered on a tram car - cue Harry Bosch - who better to point fingers at his colleagues?

Another page turner from Michael Connelly with a brilliant twist - I didn't guess whodunnit!  You think it's one person then another, go back to who you thought it was then change your mind.  Michael Connelly paints such a vivid scene when the killer finally gets their comeuppance that I almost felt I was watching a movie rather than reading a book.

5 stars from me - I love catching up with my old friend Harry!

Buy it here - The Book Depository