Sunday 25 September 2016

BLOG TOUR: Only Daughter - Anna Snoekstra

In this chilling psychological thriller, one woman’s dark past becomes another’s deadly future.
In 2003, sixteen-year-old Rebecca Winter disappeared.
She’d been enjoying her teenage summer break: working at a fast food restaurant, crushing on an older boy and shoplifting with her best friend. Mysteriously ominous things began to happen—blood in the bed, periods of blackouts, a feeling of being watched—though Bec remained oblivious of what was to come.
Eleven years later she is replaced.
A young woman, desperate after being arrested, claims to be the decade-missing Bec.
Soon the imposter is living Bec’s life. Sleeping in her bed. Hugging her mother and father. Learning her best friends' names. Playing with her twin brothers.
But Bec’s welcoming family and enthusiastic friends are not quite as they seem. As the imposter dodges the detective investigating her case, she begins to delve into the life of the real Bec Winter—and soon realizes that whoever took Bec is still at large, and that she is in imminent danger.

What did I think?

This was a really good psychological thriller and although I never really warmed to any of the characters, I think perhaps there was a very good reason for that.  The main character, Bec, is an imposter and the Winter family are as dysfunctional as they come, perhaps not on the outside but when you scratch the surface you find out that appearances can be very deceptive.

The main character is caught shoplifting and, as she bears a striking resemblance to a missing teenager, she claims to be Bec Winter to get off with the shoplifting charge.  The detective who was investigating Bec's disappearance obviously needs to find out where she has been for the last eleven years; questions that only the real Bec Winter could answer.  The fake Bec does her best to evade questions and refuse DNA tests, and then her family turn up to collect her.  Surely a mother would recognise that this imposter is not her daughter?  As the family welcome fake-Bec with open arms the plot does indeed thicken.

My brain went into overdrive as I considered every scenario but the one that Anna Snoekstra had written whilst trying to work out the outcome of the book.  I kept thinking that someone would realise she wasn't the real Bec or perhaps she was the real Bec and didn't realise it.  I was absolutely floored as the book reached its conclusion so I think Only Daughter will go down very well with lovers of twisty psychological fiction.

I received this e-book from the publisher, Mira UK, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

My rating:

Buy it from Amazon

I am releasing my review as part of the blog tour so make sure that you follow the rest of the tour for some great reviews and interesting content.

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