Tuesday, 14 February 2017

EXTRACT TOUR: Girl 99 - Andy Jones

It's Valentine's Day and what better day to have the extract tour for Andy Jones' upcoming novel, Girl 99.  I have the fourth extract entitled 'Too Many' for you but please do hop over to the other blogs to read further extracts:

The One
The Bet
Too Many - here on The Book Magnet
Book Club

GIRL 99 [an extract]
by Andy Jones

What would you think if I told you I was a virgin? Unusual for a man of my age, no? You’d probably want to know why. Was something wrong? Broken? Was I religious, or a member of some other weird cult?
What if I said I’d had only a single sexual encounter? Say we were in the pub and the subject came up. How many people have you slept with? We go around the table: Five, fifteen, seven, twelve, twenty-seven. You get to me and I say, One.’
One!’ You all shout in unison.
The first guy says, ‘I thought five was low! What have you been doing?’
Mr Fifteen pulls a face: ‘Were you in prison?’
Or a coma?’ says Mr Twenty-Seven.
Everybody laughs.
So we’ve established that none is weird, and one is laughable. Two might elicit a patronising coo. Three would be better, five better still. What about a thousand? You’d fall off your barstool, appalled. Somewhere along the way, more went from being better to worse. So where exactly did this shift occur? At what point does ‘one’ more become ‘one too many’? Thirty? Forty? Fifty? Okay, let’s say fifty. Why is fifty worse than forty-nine? What’s so bad about fifty? Or fifty-one, or fifty-two?

What’s so bad about eighty-five?

Love the extract?  Buy Girl 99 from Amazon by clicking here

About the author

Andy Jones lives in London with his wife and two little girls. During the day he works in an advertising agency; at weekends and horribly early in the mornings, he writes fiction.

You can find Andy on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram as andyjonesauthor

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