Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Urbane Advent Calendar: COVER REVEAL

Thanks for following over the last few days as I opened the doors on my Urbane Advent Calendar to reveal what so many crime fiction fans have been waiting for: the new Simon Michael book!  

If you have been following my blog for a while, you will know that I am a HUGE fan of Simon Michael's Charles Holborne series.  I am absolutely delighted to announce that the fourth book in the series, Corrupted, is due to be published by Urbane Publications in June 2018 and I have been given the honour of revealing the fabulous cover.  

I asked Matthew Smith of Urbane Publications to tell us a little bit about Corrupted:

Urbane Publications is delighted to announce the signing of Corrupted, bestselling crime author Simon Michael’s fourth novel in the popular Charles Holborne thriller series. 

Set in London during the swinging Sixties, Corrupted follows the further adventures of barrister Charles Holborne - East End boy made good. Following the events of The Lighterman, Charles is building his reputation as a brilliant murder trial lawyer and living the good life with partner Sally. But he can’t escape the influences – and dangers – of the past, and finds himself drawn once more into the orbit of the notorious Kray twins. It’s not long before Charles is courting scandal – and threats to his very life – when investigating a sex ring that involves not just the Krays and the Mafia, but goes to the very echelons of the country’s power. From East End boxing clubs to sleazy gay sex parties, Corrupted presents Charles with his most dangerous and challenging case yet, one that could destroy not just his career but everything he holds dear.

Well, I simply CAN'T WAIT for June to continue Charlie Holborne's story.  If you've not discovered this series yet, catch up now by clicking the below links for each book to read my reviews and buy your own copies.  You won't regret it - this is Britcrime at its very best!

AN HONEST MANmy review / buy from Amazon / buy from Urbane

THE LIGHTERMANmy review / buy from Amazon / buy from Urbane

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