Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Bound in Black - Steven De Luca

Galdor the Green, great and powerful leader of the Lifting Plateau dragons, finds himself magically incarcerated—without means of escape—deep within an underground cavern. Deceived by the dragon, Blaze, once friend and ally, a black scaled, black-hearted liar and master of deception.

A lot can happen to a dragon in a hundred years and the constant emotional turmoil, and starvation, weigh heavy on his heart.

Now, close to the brink of insanity, Galdor is plagued with nightmares over the havoc the deceitful Blaze will inflict upon his lost colony.

Yet, there is hope. The key to his return, lies in his past… with a human sorcerer. And another black dragon.

With his rival safely out of the way, Blaze the usurper is free to advance his coup unchecked. Dragons have become soft under Galdor’s complacent rule. It is up to him to restore his species to their rightful place, using his new found magic to strengthen his position and teach dragons how to really behave. As his magic grows, so does his ambition, and with it an unknown influence of unstoppable power, never before seen on his world.

Once fully ensconced as Galdor’s replacement, he will deal with the hateful humans, and by fang and flame, he will teach them the way of the dragon.

Skies will burn. Dragons will clash. Enemies, old and new, will die.

What did I think?

I rarely read fantasy but having read Steven De Luca's fantastic debut, Bound in Scales, I definitely became more open to reading novels in the fantasy genre and I was super-excited to read Steven De Luca's new novel, Bound in Black.  It certainly didn't hang around on my TBR list for very long!  Don't worry if you haven't read Bound in Scales, as Bound in Black reads very well as a standalone and it introduces us to a completely new colony of dragons.

The story is told in three parts as Galdor, the moot leader of the Lifting Plateau, is tricked and imprisoned by fellow dragon, Blaze.  Part One is very much setting the scene and Galdor's imprisonment, with a cameo appearance by our favourite sorcerer, Alduce.  When he came into the story, albeit briefly, I felt like I was seeing an old friend who I hadn't seen for years!  Alduce helps Galdor to escape his stony prison but the world to which he returns in Part Two is nothing like the peaceful colony he once led.  Blaze has become new moot leader and has waged war against the humans, turning once peaceful dragons into fighting machines.

Parts One and Two already had me on the edge of my seat but the pacing and tension are ramped up to the max in Part Three: the inevitable showdown between Galdor and Blaze.  Galdor has a little help from his friends and I was absolutely delighted to see some much-loved dragons from Bound in Scales appear in the story.  The friendship between Nightstar and Sunburst is stronger than ever and I love how little character quirks of the other rub off on each of them.  They definitely steal the show and make me want to read so many more of their adventures.

Bound in Black is fantastic fantasy!  I am surprised how much I love these stories of dragons and magic but that's all down to the captivating writing of Steven De Luca.  Bound in Black is gripping, captivating and filled with fast and furious fiery fun!  I couldn't put it down and I'm already crying out for more!  Bound in Black is very highly recommended; I absolutely loved it and could read it all over again right now.

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating:

Buy it from Amazon

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