Is one of music's greatest mysteries about to be solved?
'He was a massive star until he did a headline grabbing retreat from the spotlight - but his disappearing act was FAKED. Fans won't be happy when they find out - his reputation was dead in the water.'
When Isaac Naylor committed suicide after a teenage fan was found dead in his hotel room, the world thought it had lost one of the greatest rock stars of a generation. Naylor, lead singer of The Ospreys, had been arrested for causing the girl's death and was on police bail when he drowned himself in the sea off the Devon coast.
Now, eight years on, music journalist Natalie Glass stumbles across a blind item on a US gossip website that suggests Naylor's death wasn't quite what it seemed - and he might in fact still be alive.
But as she delves deeper into what happened, Natalie finds she has a stark choice: give up trying to find out what happened to Naylor or risk her own obituary ending up in print.
What did I think?
Oh I really enjoyed The Death of Me and literally couldn't put it down - I read it over a 24 hour period and would have read it in one sitting if I didn't have to eat or sleep! I have never read any of Michelle Davies' books before but after reading this one, I want to read them all.
Rock band The Ospreys are at the height of their fame when lead singer Isaac Naylor is accused of murder. Isaac Naylor is never convicted as he committed suicide by drowning in the sea off the coast of Devon. His body was never found which led his fans to speculate (and hope) that he was still with Elvis no doubt.
Natalie is a music journalist and when she discovers an article online that claims Isaac Naylor is very much alive and earning a living as a mystery songwriter, she sniffs a huge story. The article disappears quickly but Natalie has already got the bit between her teeth, however, there's more to Isaac Naylor's story than Natalie expected and she soon finds herself in danger. Who wants to silence her and why?
I squealed with delight when my little hometown of Jarrow not only got a mention in the book but featured quite prominently as it was where Isaac Naylor grew up. I even knew the street he grew up in (yes, I know he's not real) but I always get a kick out of seeing places I know in a book, especially when it comes as such a surprise as this one did.
The breathtaking prologue completely hooked me and made me put on my virtual running shoes to read the book as quickly as I could. Interspersed between the gripping prose are various news articles that really brought the story to life. I loved this element and marvelled at the talent of Michelle Davies to write in such a vast number of varied voices.
Filled with mystery, intrigue and danger, The Death of Me is so fast-paced, gripping and addictive that I couldn't put it down. An easy five stars, it's absolutely brilliant from start to finish and I'll definitely be picking up more of Michelle Davies' books.
I received a digital ARC via NetGalley and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.
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