Friday, 23 September 2022

BLOG TOUR: The Reason - Catherine Bennetto

How much is the smile from the person you love worth to you?
Brooke’s life has derailed. Her social life and career have evaporated, her daughter is desperately unhappy and being bullied at school, and, for a 43-year-old, she probably spends way too many weekends at her parent’s. But the reason for all this is no mystery. A year and a half ago, Brooke’s husband died.
But Brooke does have one secret. Her husband’s death, the worst thing that has ever happened to her, has made her unbelievably rich.
Despite her despair, Brooke suddenly realises she has the power to make her daughter’s life, and the world a little brighter. 

What did I think?

Oh my goodness, this book is truly gorgeous.  It's an emotional read and I'm not ashamed to say that I cried more than once but I also laughed, smiled and enjoyed every single minute of it.

I adored Brooke, her daughter Hannah and her whole quirky family.  Just thinking of them (and their strange house guests) brings a smile to my face.  It's making me laugh out loud now just thinking of Brooke's mum and her inability to stop interfering in her daughters' lives.  As much as I was sad to leave them all behind when I turned the final page, the ending was simply perfect.

The grief, guilt and despair of losing a loved one is a lot of baggage for one person to carry, but that is what Brooke is trying to do.  As if Brooke doesn't have enough to cope with, Hannah is being bullied at school.  It is heartbreaking to see the effect this has on Hannah but it almost gives Brooke a purpose again: to make Hannah smile.  The way she does it is completely brilliant and just reading about it made me smile.

This is my first Catherine Bennetto book, but it certainly won't be my last.  I loved the warm and colourful writing, the imaginitive plot and the full range of emotions it evoked.  Very highly recommended and one not to be missed, but keep your tissues handy while you're reading.

I received an ARC to read and review for the blog tour and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

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