Monday, 20 May 2024

BLOG TOUR: The F**K It List - Melanie Cantor

Meet Daisy. She’s just caught her boyfriend shagging someone else at her fortieth birthday party. She’s camped out in her childhood bedroom. And it looks as if her dream to have a baby has gone down the pan.

Now Daisy is 40, alone and in a world that seems built for couples.

Time for a F**K It List!

Hilarious and heart-warming, this triumphant novel asks what it is to be 40 and suddenly single, asking the question, why do we think we need a man to start a family, and what would you do with your own F**K It List? 

What did I think?

The F**K It List is a fun and powerful read that I really enjoyed.  Daisy is such a strong protagonist, although she might not realise it when her world implodes on her 40th birthday.  Talk about picking yourself up and getting on with things!  Go Daisy!  

I was so angry for Daisy at the start of the book when she finds her partner, Jack, cheating on her at her own 40th birthday party.  Daisy has always wanted children and Jack keeps promising they'll start a family when the time is right.  LIAR!!!!  Now Daisy is forty, single, heartbroken and living with her parents - it's not the life she expected.

Daisy is a very talented interior designer who runs her own business with her friend and business partner , Marcus.  So as much as Daisy might want to hide under the duvet and make the world disappear, she needs to get on with her life as she has business commitments she needs to honour.  This is when she shows her true strength and decides that actually, she doesn't need to be in a relationship to have a baby.

Daisy Settle in The F**K It List is Bridget Jones for a new generation.  I feel like I went through the highs and lows of her life with her as I turned the pages of this fabulous book.  It's heartwarming and empowering - a recommended read.

I received a digital ARC to read and review for the blog tour and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

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About the author:
Melanie Cantor was a celebrity agent and publicist for over thirty years. Her clients included Ulrika Jonsson, Melinda Messenger and Melanie Sykes. In 2004, she hosted a makeover show on Channel 4 called Making Space and in 2017 having just turned 60 she was scouted on Kings Cross station, subsequently appearing as a 'real model' in the most recent Dove campaign. She is the author of Life and Other Happy Endings.

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