Friday, 5 August 2016

The Unravelling - Thorne Moore

Genre: Domestic noir
Release Date: 21 July 2016
Publisher: Honno Press

From the Top Ten Bestselling Author of A Time for Silence

When they were ten everybody wanted to be Serena’s friend, to find themselves one of the inner circle. But doing so meant proving your worth, and doing that often had consequences it’s not nice to think about – not even thirty-five years later.

Karen Rothwell is randomly reminded of an incident in her childhood which just as suddenly becomes an obsession. It takes her on a journey into a land of secrets and lies; it means finding that gang of girls from Marsh Green Junior School and most importantly of all finding Serena Whinn.

Praise for Thorne Moore’s novels

A true page turner’–

The most chilling part of Thorne Moore's skill is the way that she represents evil' – Helen Tozer, sideline jelly

What did I think?

We all know how cruel children can be and since time began there's always been a circle of friends envied by those who are not part of the group.  Karen Rothwell can't believe her luck when she's invited to join the inner circle of Serena Whinn, but something happened at junior school in 1966, something so terrible that Karen has removed it from her memory.  When Karen's memory is suddenly jogged, she tries to trace her old schoolfriends to find out what really happened; but how honest are her old friends being and will this result in more questions than answers?

I loved the way that The Unravelling completely played with my mind.  It was written so cleverly that I was as surprised as Karen when I found out what had happened in 1966.  Although I'm more of a younger generation, it reminded me of the fascination with the occult that many teens and pre-teens had in my day.  I've never done it, but I know many people my age who dabbled with a Ouija board in their youth.  Thorne Moore perfectly conjures the excitement and terror in the Ouija board scene where the girls are so scared but at the same time reluctant to remove their hands from the glass.  It certainly sent shivers down my spine!

I found myself completely riveted to the page as events from 1966 were revealed and the true colours of some of the friends were shown.  Let's just say, it's not Karen who should be questioning her sanity!  The power of the mind is a wonderful thing and The Unravelling really brought it home how the human brain can protect us from distressing events.

With a disturbing fast-paced storyline, The Unravelling is a book that is virtually impossible to put down.  Chock-full of suspense and with more than its fair share of surprises, it's certainly one that I would recommend.

I received this e-book from Brook Cottage Books in exchange for an honest review and I am releasing my review as part of the blog tour.

My rating:



Thorne Moore was born in Luton but has lived in in the back of beyond in north Pembrokeshire for 32 years. She has degrees in History and Law, worked in a library and ran a family restaurant as well as a miniature furniture craft business, which is still in Production, but she now concentrates on writing psychological crime mysteries.


Twitter: @ThorneMoore

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