Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Poison (Tales from the Kingdoms #1) - Sarah Pinborough

POISON is a beautifully illustrated re-telling of the Snow White story which takes all the elements of the classic fairytale that we love (the handsome prince, the jealous queen, the beautiful girl and, of course, the poisoning) and puts a modern spin on the characters, their motives and their desires. It's fun, contemporary, sexy, and perfect for fans of ONCE UPON A TIME, GRIMM, SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN and more.

What did I think?

After reading my first Sarah Pinborough book, Behind Her Eyes, I couldn't resist looking through her back catalogue.  The amazing cover of Poison caught my eye and once I knew it was an adult retelling of the fairytale, Snow White, I just had to buy it.  Even better, it's part of a trilogy with Charm (Cinderella) and Beauty (Sleeping Beauty) completing the set.  I have to say that if you want to read these books, do go for the hardbacks as the colours when they catch the light are simply magical.

There is enough of the original Snow White story to be recognisable, with the huntsman, dwarves and poison apple, but Sarah Pinborough has cleverly embellished and twisted it to make this a story of Snow White as never told before.

It's actually hard to review this without giving away any of the plot.  Ah but we already know the story of Snow White, you say...not this version you don't.  Will Snow White get her happily ever after in this twisted tale?  I'm not saying but suffice to say it captivated and entertained me from start to finish.  At the appearance of the poisoned apple, I would have clapped my hands with glee if it didn't mean putting the book down.  Not that I meant ill to Snow White, but we all know how the story goes...or do we?

Poison is fun, ingenious and risqué and I'd definitely recommend it to fans of Once Upon a Time.  I can't wait to read the next two in the series.

My rating:

Buy it from Amazon

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