Wednesday, 22 August 2018

BLOG TOUR: Before Her Eyes - Jack Jordan

She can't see the killer

But the killer can see her...

Naomi Hannah has been blind since birth. Struggling with living in a small, claustrophobic town, Naomi contemplates ending her life. But then she stumbles across the body of a young woman who has been brutally murdered. She senses someone else there at the scene - watching her. Naomi may not be able to see the killer's face, but she is still the only person who can identify him.

As the police begin hunting the person responsible and more victims are discovered, Naomi is forced to answer the question on which her fate hangs: why did the killer let her live?

In a town this small, the murderer must be close, perhaps even before her very eyes...

What did I think?

Jack is back in the most eagerly anticipated book of the year!  There's nothing unusual about booklovers getting excited about books, but a new Jack Jordan book seems to whip us up into a frenzy as we all clamour to get our names on this exclusive list of early readers.  I've been a huge fan of Jack Jordan since reading his outstanding debut, Anything for Her, and it's wonderful to follow the journey of this super-talented young author as he heads towards his destiny at the top of the bestseller chart.  

I don't know where Jack Jordan gets his ideas from but they're all such good ones and Before Her Eyes is an absolute cracker!  It sounds simple with a blind woman being pursued by a killer she can't see but the descriptions of smell, sounds and touch were so visual that I felt as if my own senses had been heightened to cope with Naomi's blindness.  Jack Jordan is always so attuned to his characters that he can replicate their thoughts and feelings in the reader, without us even realising it.  Whilst reading Before Her Eyes I found myself noticing smells and sounds more than usual as I tried to empathise with the darkness in which Naomi lived.  

Although Naomi is understandably a very flawed character, she is a lot tougher than she thinks.  Naomi will always have strong feelings towards her ex-husband, Dane, as he saw her at her worst and naturally, Naomi feels safe with him.  As a blind woman, there's one thing that her other senses can't compensate for and that is the looks of admiration that Naomi receives from lovely DS Marcus Campbell.  Now this really is love at first sight but unfortunately Naomi can't see it and my heart broke for Marcus as had to be content with admiring Naomi from afar.

The story of the killer terrorising Naomi's town reminded me of spiderweb cracks on a mirror; as you follow one line of enquiry and end up at a dead end, you have to return to the centre to see where the story leads you.  At the centre of this web is a cold case: that of young Hayley Miller whose body has never been found.  Marcus is convinced that this recent spate of killings is linked to the Hayley Miller case but his boss doesn't share the same thoughts.  Marcus does a bit of digging on his own and finds that the latest victims were investigating the Hayley Miller case so he seems to be on the right track but, with a killer determined to stop the truth getting out about Hayley Miller, nobody in this town is safe.

I can guarantee that you will be glued to every single page of Before Her Eyes.  I read it so fast that I feel like I need to read it again at a much slower pace to fully appreciate the glorious, visual scenes painted by Jack Jordan's powerful words.  An absolutely sublime piece of fiction that entertained, amazed and down-right thrilled every inch of me.  A* - you're top of the class again, Mr Jordan!

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating:

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