Saturday, 27 July 2019

BLOG TOUR: The Night You Left - Emma Curtis

When Grace’s fiancé vanishes without a trace the night after proposing, her life is turned upside down. But has Nick walked out on her, or is he in danger?
As Grace desperately searches for answers, it soon becomes clear that Nick wasn’t the uncomplicated man she thought she knew. And when she uncovers a hidden tragedy from his childhood, she realises an awful truth: that you can run from your past – but your secrets will always catch up with you . . .

What did I think?

I have to start by saying that I knew this was going to be a good book as my mam read it before me and she said it was brilliant.  Now we all know how hard mothers are to please, so I didn't doubt her for a moment, and of course she wasn't wrong!  

The Night You Left drew me in right from the start with its mystery and intrigue.  Why on earth would Nick propose to Grace then walk out of her life without a word the following day?  The police think Nick has simply left Grace but Grace knows him better than anyone and knows he wouldn't do that.  Or at least she thought she knew Nick but it soon becomes clear that he has kept secrets from his past hidden from her.  How well did she really know her fiancé after all?

I usually pick things up and connect the dots quite quickly but I don't know whether the current heatwave has melted my brain or more likely that Emma Curtis is such a talented writer that she had me fooled.  I was so greedily lapping up Nick's story from the past that I completely missed something and I ended up kicking myself as I couldn't believe I hadn't made the connection.  I obviously don't want to admit brain fade but I do think that Emma Curtis had cleverly deflected my attention so I didn't make this connection until a split second before she planned to reveal it.

The characters are portrayed brilliantly in The Night You Left.  I absolutely loved to hate Nick's mother, Cora.  What a b*tch!  She makes no secret of the fact that she doesn't like Grace and doesn't think she's good enough for her precious son.  Grace's ex, Douglas, made my skin crawl; strangely enough he creeped me out more than Nick's father, Tim, who has a very murky past.  Douglas is so controlling, not just of Grace, but he needs to be in control of absolutely everything.  He seems to be a very cool and calculating individual, although he does lose his cool at one point in his very own 'Here's Johnny' moment.

I don't need to think twice before saying that I wholeheartedly recommend this totally addictive book.  It's full of mystery, intrigue and family secrets that kept my eyes glued to the page from start to finish.  A highly recommended read and a well deserved 5 stars from me.

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating:

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