Monday, 22 July 2024

Diva - Daisy Goodwin

In the glittering and ruthlessly competitive world of opera, Maria Callas is known simply as la divina: the divine one. With her glorious voice, instinctive flair for the dramatic and striking beauty, she's the toast of the grandest opera houses in the world. Yet her fame has been hard won: raised in Nazi-occupied Greece by a mother who mercilessly exploited her, Maria learned early in life how to protect herself.

When she meets the fabulously rich shipping magnate, Aristotle Onassis, her isolation melts away. For the first time in her life, she believes she's found a man who sees the woman rather than the legendary soprano. Desperately in love, Onassis introduces her to a life of unbelievable luxury, mixing with celebrities like Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

And then, suddenly, it's over. The international press announce that Onassis will marry the most famous woman in the world, former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, leaving Maria to pick up the pieces.

What did I think?

Diva by Daisy Goodwin is a fabulous reimagining of the life of Maria Callas, that is based on her true story.  I love books that send me off to Google to find out more information and Diva certainly did that.  I listened to Maria's singing and got goosebumps - she really did have the voice of an angel and is well-named 'la divina'.

I didn't know a lot about Maria Callas before picking up Diva, but I certainly know a lot more now.  I had no idea that she dated Aristotle Onassis before he dropped Maria like a stone to marry Jackie Kennedy.  I felt really sorry for her early years, living in the shadow of her older sister and not getting any affection from her mother, it perhaps explains why she left her husband to be with Onassis who showered her with gifts and attention.

It also made me really appreciate the life of an artist, especially one with a divine voice, as they don't know how long their voice will last after all the strain they put it through.  Maria's singing teacher used a great analogy: imagine your voice is a purse of golden coins but you don't know how many it holds so you need to spend them wisely before there are none left.

Daisy Goodwin really brings the 50s/60s eras to life as Maria rubs shoulders with stars and royalty.  Maria herself is drawn so beautifully that she virtually leaps out from the pages and her life resembles an opera with an abundance of drama, passion and tragedy.

Filled with glitz and glamour, Diva is a wonderful glimpse into the life of Maria Callas, the world's greatest diva.  It's an unforgettable story that is both inspirational and heartbreaking.

I received a gifted paperback for the Tandem Collective readalong and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating:

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