Saturday, 2 May 2015

The Dish - Stella Newman

Laura is a food critic for a magazine, a job she acquired not due to her experience or qualifications but due to her love of food and her descriptive writing skills.  Not to mention that the boss is also an old family friend, so Laura turned to Roger for a job after her divorce.

After the abrupt end to a disastrous date, Laura goes to a cafe for a bacon sandwich only to find that the last one has been sold to another customer.  She then plumps for a custard doughnut, but is served a jam doughnut instead.  You've guessed it, the bacon sandwich guy has also now ordered the last custard doughnut!  This prompts Laura to strike up a conversation with the guy, Adam, and barters with him for the doughnut that Adam agrees to share (ahhhh).  

Laura and Adam start dating, but Adam is a chef and his shifts are a nightmare so they find it difficult to meet up.  On one of their dates, Laura finds out that Adam is a chef at a new restaurant in London, a restaurant she visited before she met Adam and about which she has written a scathing review that is soon to be published.  Laura debates whether to tell Adam about the review but as time goes on, it gets harder to tell him.  Then the review is published and all hell breaks loose.

This was what I call a "no brainer" read - it all turns out as you expect in the end.  The food descriptions were excellent and you could almost smell them at times but I didn't really warm to Laura or Adam.  I also thought that the constant printing of Laura's email exchanges with various recipients was a little boring and pointless.  

This would be a good holiday read for chick-lit lovers.

I received this e-book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Buy it from The Book Depository

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