Wednesday 30 December 2015

My top 20 of 2015

It's been absolutely fantastic year of reading with 147 books read, so it was quite hard to whittle it down to my top 20 reads of the year.

A lot of the books are so completely different and brilliant in their own right, so I don't think I could pick an absolute favourite.  After much deliberation and without further ado, in no particular order, my top 20 reads of 2015 are:

Click on any book cover to be taken to my review and then on to Amazon where you can purchase these fabulous books for yourself.

With such amazing reads in 2015, I am really looking forward to a book-filled 2016.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2016.
Image Map


  1. Thank you so very much Michelle for including my debut novel amongst your top 20 reads of 2015. I am both overwhelmed and honoured. Happy New Year! Eva Jordan.

    1. It was my absolute pleasure to include it, Eva. I adored 183 Times a Year and will be reading it again!
