Sunday, 7 March 2021

BLOG TOUR: Mr Right Across the Street - Kathryn Freeman

Mia Abbott’s move to Manchester was supposed to give her time and space from all the disastrous romantic choices she’s made in her past. But then the hot guy who lives opposite – the one who works out every day at exactly 10 a.m., not that Mia has noticed thank-you-very-much – starts leaving notes in his window…for her.

Bar owner Luke Doyle has his own issues to deal with but as he shows Mia the sites of her new city he also shows her what real romance looks like for the first time. And when he cooks up a signature cocktail in her honour, she realises that the man behind the bar is even more enticing than any of his creations. And once she’s had a taste she knows it will never be enough!

What did I think?

I was in the mood for a bit of feel-good fiction and as Kathryn Freeman is always guaranteed to put a smile on my face I picked up her new book, Mr Right Across the Street.  What an absolute delight to read!  I devoured this gorgeous novel over a weekend, laughing, growling (at Freya) and even crying along the way.

Mia must be the most honest and true to herself character I have ever come across; she is a self-confessed geek and what you see is what you get.  I absolutely loved her!  She may be running away from a failed relationship but she is so brave to move 200 miles away from her home in Somerset to Manchester, where she doesn't know a single person.

Rather like the Diet Coke break advert, Mia is treated to a free hunky man show every day at 10am when the guy across the street works out in his spare room.  Mia gets a much closer look than she expected when she goes out one evening and finds the same guy behind the bar of her local.  Luke is quite the charmer with his patrons but Mia is very guarded and takes his flirting with a pinch of salt until he starts sticking sheets of paper up in his window with messages for her.  How cute!

With a handful of insecurities and a bucket-load of misunderstandings, I watched Mia and Luke's relationship transform from friendship to love.  As I was reading I felt like I was sitting in The Bar Beneath sipping cocktails and making friends with the regulars.  They are such a lovely, friendly crowd even though a good proportion of them have some kind of history with Luke.  It made me think how a lot of women these days tend to look the same with their tight black dresses, blonde curls and pink pouts so no wonder Mia stood out from the crowd with her geeky t-shirt, Converse and green stripes in her hair.  As least Luke can get a good idea of what she looks like on a morning and she won't leave orange streaks of foundation on his pillow.

Mr Right Across the Street is fabulous feel-good fiction from the Queen of Smiles, Kathryn Freeman.  I can't help but read her books with a smile on my face and joy in my heart.  Humourous, heart-warming and just plain cute, Mr Right Across the Street is perfect escapism and just what we all need right now.  A virtual hug in a book; thank you Kathryn!

I received an ARC to read and review for the blog tour; this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating:

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About the author:

A former pharmacist, I'm now a medical writer who also writes romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it's the reaction to a sexy hero. 

With a husband who asks every Valentine's Day whether he has to buy a card (yes, he does), any romance is all in my head. Then again, his unstinting support of my career change proves love isn't always about hearts and flowers - and heroes come in many disguises.

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1 comment:

  1. Aw, and thank you Michelle for this fabulous review! It was so lovely to see you on the blog tour, and I'm thrilled you enjoyed Luke and Mia's story 😊
