Tuesday, 31 October 2017

BLOG TOUR: All The Colours In Between - Eva Jordan

I am a HUGE fan of Eva Jordan's writing so I am honoured to be closing what has been quite an AMAZING tour.  For anyone who has read All The Colours In Between, I think it's fair to say that there's not a dry eye in the house after reading this much anticipated sequel to 183 Times A Year.

Release Date: 19th October 2017
Publisher: Urbane Publications
Genre: Contemporary fiction, women's fiction

It's not a life, it's an adventure!

Lizzie is fast approaching 50. Her once angst ridden teenage daughters, now grown and in their twenties, have flown the nest, Cassie to London and Maisy to Australia. And, although Connor, Lizzie's sulky, surly teenage son, is now on his own tormented passage to adulthood, his quest to get there, for the most part, is a far quieter journey than that of his sisters. The hard years, Lizzie believes, are behind her. Only, things are never quite as black and white as they seem... 

A visit to her daughter in London leaves Lizzie troubled. And that is just the start. Add to that an unexpected visitor, a disturbing phone call, a son acting suspiciously, a run in with her ex husband plus a new man in her life who quite simply takes her breath away; Lizzie quickly realises life is something that happens while plans are being made. 

Gritty but tender, thought provoking but light-hearted, dark but brilliantly funny, this is a story of contemporary family life in all its 21st century glory. A story of mothers and sons, of fathers and daughters, of brothers and sisters, and friends. A tale of love and loss, of friendships and betrayals, and coming of age. Nobody said it would be easy and as Lizzie knows only too well, life is never straightforward when you see all the colours in between.

What did I think?

I could not contain my excitement when I heard that my favourite fictional family were back: Lizzie Lemalf and her crazy blended family stole my heart in 183 Times A Year and I couldn't wait to read more about them.  It's so brilliant that you could definitely read All The Colours In Between as a standalone novel but it is made all the more poignant and emotional for having read 183 Times A Year and seen the characters develop before your eyes.

Never mind All The Colours In Between, I laughed, cried and experienced all the emotions in between.  I admit that I have cried at a few books in my time, but never have I been sobbing so much that I had to put the book down to wipe the tears that had rolled down my face and blurred my vision.  Looking back, I think I got to know Lizzie's family in 183 Times A Year but in All The Colours In Between I realised that I had fallen in love with them.  I felt very protective of them, especially Cassie; when they were happy, I was smiling and when they were sad, I was crying.

Eva Jordan has written characters that we can all relate to: perhaps you see yourself in Lizzie, about to turn 50 and hoping that she can finally take a breather now her daughters have left home, or you might recognise some of Cassie's qualities as your own, keeping a terrible secret and suffering in silence.  As the story unfolded, my heart was breaking for Cassie: I've always thought that a problem shared really is a problem halved but this is Lizzie's family I'm talking about so a problem shared is more likely to end up as a problem quadrupled!

What amazes me with Eva Jordan's writing is her ability to portray the unique voices of all of her characters, from teenage boy-man Connor to mysterious lynchpin of the family, Grandad Salocin.  Their voices shine through so vividly and uniquely that it feels as if the book has been written by the characters themselves.  I don't need a subscription to Audible for Eva's books, they speak to me through her beautiful emotive words.

Filled with emotion: you'll laugh and you'll cry but you'll never forget All The Colours In Between.  The characters are so enchanting that I think of them as my own family and I'm sure many readers feel the same: they're my family and they're your family.  I'll be singing Sister Sledge in a minute...  Now you're singing 'We Are Family', aren't you?  Sorry...

With such a memorable message: it's not a life, it's an adventure this is one book that I didn't want to end but my frown was turned upside down when I saw the final magical words: 'To Be Continued...'  YAY!

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating:



Eva Jordan, born in Kent but living most of her life in a small Cambridgeshire town, describes herself as a lover of words, books, travel and chocolate. She is also partial to the odd glass or two of wine. Providing her with some of the inspiration for her novels, Eva is both a mum and step mum to four grown-up children. Her career has been varied including working within the library service and at a women's refuge. She writes a monthly column for a local magazine and currently works as a volunteer for a charity based organisation that teaches adults to read. However, storytelling through the art of writing is her passion. All The Colours In Between is Eva's second novel.

If you want to know more you can find Eva at all the usual places. She loves to hear from readers and reviewers so please feel free to contact her.

Twitter: @evajordanwriter

2 x signed paperbacks and 2 kindle ebooks of All The Colours In Between (UK only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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